great overall, just a few small things
Its great to be able to keep track of so much, but it would be less tedious if after calculating your BMR/BMI/etc and looked at the graph, there was a button that took you straight back to the main page. Also, it would again be less tedious if your graph settings remained the same, ie. being able to set it to always show the week/month/etc unless you specify otherwise.
The only truly negative aspect to this app is the cost of having the badge notification - in my opinion, its expensive for such a small thing.
Added note: theres something strange about the graph...the two times Ive weighed myself over the past five days has brought the same number yet the two corresponding dates and inputs on the graph are different - instead of a flat line its angled...
kkanadian about
Fitter Fitness Calculator & Weight Tracker - Personal Daily Weight Tracker and BMI, BMR, Body Fat% & Waist to Hip Ratio Manager, v1.3.3